Monday, April 3, 2017

The Implementation of Theme-Based Teaching to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill (A Classroom Action Research at One Elementary Schools in Bandung)

Citation : Lathufirdaush, Fitria. The Implementation of Theme-Based Teaching to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill (A Classroom Action Research at One Elementary Schools in Bandung), Journal of English and Education, p.9-16.
The research is done on July until August at one of elementary schools in Bandung. This research was designed in Classroom Action Research which concludes 32 students of the elementary school. In this article it is clearly stated that this research is aimed to identify the improvement of young learners’ speaking skills by implementing themed-based teaching since speaking skill is claimed as the most important skill to be mastered. There are some aspects in speaking skill, including vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Furthermore, the reason why the researcher chose theme-based teaching as an approach is because theme-based teaching offers lot of opportunities to students to speak up. Additionally, theme-based teaching is also assumed as the appropriate approach to be implemented to students since it has the same idea with curriculum 2013 about integrating the teaching and learning activities under one theme with the intention of enabling students to acquire in-depth study of the content (“What are thematic”, 2012).
This research shows that there are some improvements in each cycle after implementing theme-based teaching. The researcher chose “Friend” as the theme. In cycle 1 the students still got the low scores. There are 2 students who can’t mention the vocabularies, and 7 students who can mention all vocabulary that had been taught by the teacher, there are also a lot of mispronounces, and the students could not expresses their ideas through sentences. In cycle 2 the students can mention all keywords that the teacher has been taught although there are some mispronounces. Furthermore in cycle 2, the students can use their expression by using sentences. The meaningful activities have an important role in improving students’ skills, in this research the example of the activities are drilling, and playing games.
It can be concluded that the aspects of speaking (vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar) have been improved.

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