Sunday, April 16, 2017

Comic Strips: A Study on The Teaching of Writing Narrative Text to Indonesian EFL Students.

Citation : Fika Megawati and Mirjam Anugerahwati, Comic Strips: A Study on The Teaching of Writing Narrative Text to Indonesian EFL Students. TEFLIN JOURNAL, 2012, P.184-205

This research was done by Fika Megawati in MAN Bangil.  She used Collaborative Classroom Action Research in conducting this research. This research was conducted in order to know whether the implementation of Comic Strips can improve students’ English writing skill in Narrative Text. Comic strips helps students to find their idea, it is also can be attractive to students, since it consists of several pictures.
This study was conducted in two cycles. The procedures included planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. In first cycle, the achievement of the students improved, but the improvement had not met the criterion of success yet because only 61% (not 100%) achieved the target score, 70.On the other hand, in cycle two, the achievement of the students had met the criterion of success. 31 students achieved the target score, 70. The improvement of the students score had met the third criterion of the success.
The researcher suggested that this study could be used by other teachers who want to improve writing skill, and also it is suggested that the teacher should give students attractive stories.