Sunday, March 5, 2017

Improving The Students’ Ability in Writing Report Genre Through Mind Mapping at Junior High School in South Sumatra Indonesia

Citation : Novalinda, Erna; Riswanto (2016): “Improving The Students’ Ability in Writing Report Genre Through Mind Mapping at Junior High School in South Sumatra Indonesia”, International Journal of Science, p.1-18
In this article, the writer wants to improve students’ writing report genre ability by using mind mapping. The population of this research is IX-5 students of  SMP Negeri 17 Palembang. The total samples are 43 students. The researcher designed this research as classroom action research. There are two cycles in this research which are helped by two English teachers in order to know students’ improvement from each cycle.  
Mostly, in writing skill, students find many difficulties. Therefore, teachers must find the best way to teach writing, since writing is the most difficult skill from 4 skills, and it is still difficult to students. That’s why the researcher wants to apply mind-mapping to students. Mind-mapping can be used in all subjects, means that it also can be applied in language teaching.
In the article, the researcher concentrates in genre, especially in report text. To apply mind-mapping, the first thing that the teacher must do is giving the topic to the students. Second thing is note-making, when the topic has been chosen, the teacher encourages the students to think about it for one or two minutes, and then note the students need to note their ideas. Next is the teacher makes a collective mind map on the board. Then the students change their mind maps into linear format in order to decide the best way to present their points.
Before applying mind-mapping, the researcher did pretest and the result is still below the target. In cycle 1 the result of the test becomes better. They could reach 69.3% of the content, 61.86% of the rhetorical steps, 61.4% for the use of the language. Therefore, the researcher holds the second cycle. In second cycle, the researcher applies the mind mapping optimally. The result shows that there is an improvement. In the second post-test, the students can reach 76.75% on content, 71.16 on rhetorical steps, 66.05% on the language use, and 69.77% on the form of the genre.
In conclusion, the mind mapping is suitable for improving writing report genre, since the result is reaching the target.


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