Friday, February 24, 2017

Journal Review of Analysis of the Relevance of Islamic Business Ethics to the Nigerian Economy

Recently, in Nigeria there were pros and cons about the Islamic Business Ethic. Islamic banks use interest-free or remove interest rate (Riba’) since it is forbidden in Islam and replace it with certain modes of finance that is acceptable in Islam. Somehow, this policy makes some misunderstanding among Nigerians.
As a nation, Nigeria comprises people with different religions. The practice of governance secular system in this country makes all the economic institutions and organization to be secular in nature. However, some of these institutions and organizations in their intent and operational guidelines share some similarities with Islamic business ethics. There are some institutions such as National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Consumer Protection Council (CPC), Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON).
There are some purposes of these organizations that are same with Hisbah in Islam. First is establishing of standard or measure of quality of products. Second is controlling of harmful products in the public. Third is ensuring correct information about the products. Fourth is controlling of arbitrary treatment of consumers. Fifth is checking and mitigating cheating and fraud in business transactions and Sixth is ensuring the safety of the general public from consumption of adulterated goods.
Therefore Islamic Business Ethics must be accepted since nobody want to be exploited or dealt unfairly and unjustily.
Source : Hussaini Aliero, Ibrahim ; Bello Sokoto, Abubakar (2016) : “Analysis of the Relevance of Islamic Business Ethics to the Nigerian Economy”, Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, June, p. 30-35

Journal Review of Using the Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at Stain Ternate

The think-pair-share strategy is developed by Lyman to provide students to think given topic by enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. This strategy was designed to encourage students’ participation in classroom. It is also a cooperative discussion strategy to help students work in group. According to Lyman (1987) to apply this strategy the lecturer asks a question, preferable one demanding analysis, evaluation, or synthesis, and gives students about a minute to think through an appropriate response. Then the students can share their idea as the responses to lecturer’s questions in teaching and learning process. Students then turn to a partner and share their responses with others. During the third step, student’s responses can be shared within a four-person learning team, within a larger group, or with an entire class during a follow-up discussion. The caliber discussion is enhanced by this technique, and all students have an opportunity to learn by reflection and by verbalization (Jones,2006).
Therefore, by considering the advantages of think-pair-share strategy, the researcher thinks that it is very effective if it is implemented in the Islamic Education Department of STAIN Ternate, in order to improve speaking ability of the second semester students at the Islamic Education Department for Islamic studies of STAIN Ternate academic year 2011/2012.
This research was designed in CAR. This research was conducted by the lecturer as a researcher and a collaborator as an observer. If the students’ performance in speaking does not improve or meet the criteria of success in the first cycle, the research will be continued to the second cycle, and so on. But, if the first cycle has met the criteria of success, the action will be stopped.
The first step is planning which is including preparing the strategy, lesson plans, teaching material and media, observation checklist, field notes, scoring guide, and the criteria of success in order to implement think-pair strategy.
The second step is implementing. In this step the students were divided into two groups which is each was asked some questions to be shared with their pairs in terms of Islamic studies and then, presented in front of class. In this step, the whole teaching and learning process was observed by the collaborator by noting the particular events.
The last step is reflecting. In this step the researcher will analyze the data of the research qualitatively or quantitatively depending of the kind of data

There are 2 cycles in this research since the cycle one was unsuccessful because the average score of students was only 74.18. Only sixteen students of students got range score of 65-79 classified as “fair”.  None of students got the lowest classification of “weak” or “unacceptable”, but it doesn’t meant the research was successful. However the cycle 2 was successful, since the students’ average score was 81.68. There were thirteen students whose scores classified as “good” (80-85), 4 students got “fair” classification and three students got “very good classification. None of them got “excellent” (96-100), “weak”(54-64) or “unacceptable”(0-53).
From the result above we can conclude that the lecturer should apply think-pair strategy to the students.
Source : Usman, Abdurrahman Hi (2015) : “Using the Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at Stain Ternate”, Journal of Education and Practice, p. 37- 45.